2023: at the park.

Albums from 2019:

Albums from 2017:

Albums from 2016:


Albums from 2013:

Albums from 2012:

Albums from 2011:

Albums from 2010:

Christmas 2009, at Grammy & Grampy's house.
First Lego League Team, "Enter Name Here"
October, 2009: Foliage and Halloween.
Vacation, August 2009: Josh at the Lake, scenery at Lake Shore Park, and a set of the tinted windows at Palais des congrès de Montréal (site of the Worldcon).
the first half of 2009.
Alex & Nancy's wedding, Lake Shore Park (2008),
Pennsic: The Water Battle, Kristin's Architecture Photos.
Kristin/Lowell's Anniversary, Josh's Birthday, Lilac Sunday (Mothers' Day), Music Maker school recital,
March/April 2008: our garden, and (mostly) the Jones' visit.
Feb/March 2008, Arisia 2008.
December, 2007: Mia's Bat Mitzvah and the Boston Waterfront when the Borchers visited,
October/November, 2007, September, 2007, August, 2007, particularly our vacation in Quebec.
May, 2007. April, 2007. March, 2007. January, 2007.

If you're looking for pictures only of Joshua (including the old ones), go here.

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last modified: 9:55pm, Tuesday, 20 Jun 2023 by Lowell Gilbert.